About a Mother Blessing Ceremony
Nicky’s Blessingway 2018
This beautiful pre-birth tradition is also known as a Blessingway. Based on the Navajo/Dineh ceremony for creating harmony and peace for the mother to be and for the soul of her baby. In the UK the mother blessing ceremony is a creative alternative to a baby shower, the ceremony prepares a woman for her transition into motherhood with friends and family offering support and love rather than focusing on gifts for the baby.
A mother blessing is a sacred, nurturing ceremony to honour, love, cherish and support the mother and give blessings for her labour and birth. The mother to be invites her chosen friends and family members to participate in the ceremony. The mothers of the group share their birth stories and the guests set intentions and offer support to empower the mother with confidence, strength and love.
A mother blessing has no strict order or agenda and will be tailored to the mother’s desires . It usually includes a foot soak and massage with suitable aromatherapy oils, a flower crown made with flowers that her guests choose, a necklace made with beads, crystals and charms that friends bring and bless with intentions for the mother and baby. A red thread is wound around each person’s wrist and tied to symbolically bind everyone together, it signifies the umbilical cord and the consciousness that we are all one. Guests make nourishing, nurturing dishes to share for the celebratory feast.
You can also include belly painting or henna painting, massage or reiki for the mother, readings, poetry, belly casting, singing or whatever suits the mothers interests…
Together Annalisa Blake (Bsc Hons,Homeopath, Massage Practitioner, Reiki Master, Breathwork Practitioner, Healer) and I offer this beautiful ceremony in your home - www.annalisablake.com
Please email Sue at souladoula@gmail.com [see contact page] for more detailed information and cost, which will vary slightly depending on time and travel [all areas considered] Included in cost : Annalisa and I will bring a sage stick for cleansing the space, thread to make the bracelets and the necklace, massage and aromatherapy oils. Plus all telephone calls and emails to organise your bespoke Ceremony …we look forward to working with you and helping to create this beautiful, soulful ceremony to celebrate this special time in your life
Costs varies due to travel time and lenght of the ceremony, approximately £200- £280